Sunday, January 9, 2011

Great Sadness

What happened in Arizona is so sad.
It also makes me angry!
The rhetoric from the right is incendiary. The Tea Partiers can't be allowed to write this off as the act of a deranged person. They put the ideas out there-guns at public events, school board meetings, shopping centers-bulls eye targets on candidates for office-political rallies where you can shoot AK-47s-pitchforks, guns, guns, guns.
I already see the cry to tone down the rhetoric on both sides. I'm sorry, it's the right wing rhetoric that is violent, and will lead to acts like this. I don't hear left wing rhetoric supporting or encouraging violence. There is not an equivalency. "We all need to calm down" would have the left share the blame for this, and the blame should not be shared. It is right wing blame-Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, Malkin, know the Fox News lineup.

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